About KDAF

KDAF is a Florida based nonprofit organization committed to promoting community development, settlement and adjustment programs as well as preserving the rich cultural heritage of its members in Florida and other parts of the United States. KDAF also works in partnership with other Kenyan Diaspora Organizations, American Organizations, donors, and other supporters in promoting international development projects and charitable grassroot community development projects in Florida and in the United States of America.

How we promote community development?

Sharing of Knowledge:

KDAF encourages individuals and organizations to share their knowledge and expertise with the community. through workshops, seminars, webinars, or online platforms where members can exchange ideas, insights, and best practices.

Capacity Building: Through training programs and educational resources to enhance the skills and abilities of community members. By providing opportunities for personal and professional development, KDAF enables individuals to contribute more effectively to their communities.

Collaborative Projects:

 KDAF looks for opportunities to collaborate projects that address community needs and challenges. By bringing together different stakeholders, such as businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and community members, KDAF can foster partnerships and collective action for positive change.

Networking and Mentorship:

KDAF creates platforms and events that enable community members to network, connect, and form mentorship relationships. By facilitating these interactions, KDAF promotes knowledge exchange, collaboration, and mutual support within the community.

A Positive Impact:

 By promoting community development, KDAF facilitates positive change and improvement in various aspects of community life, including education, healthcare, environment, entrepreneurship, and social well-being. It enables individuals and communities to thrive and prosper.

Innovation and Research:

KDAF encourages innovation and research within the community by providing resources, and support for individuals and groups working on impactful projects. By fostering a culture of innovation, KDAF can help address local challenges and drive sustainable development.

Advocacy and Policy Influence:

 KDAF advocates for policies and practices that promote community development and knowledge sharing. By engaging with policymakers and relevant stakeholders.


KDAF empowers individuals by equipping them with knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to contribute meaningfully to their communities. It enables people to take charge of their own development and participate actively in decision-making processes.

Social Cohesion:

KDAF fosters a sense of belonging and social cohesion within communities. By creating spaces for interaction and collaboration, it encourages community members to connect, learn from one another, and work together towards shared goals.

Sustainable Development:

 KDAF plays a vital role in promoting sustainable development within communities. Through knowledge sharing, capacity building, and collaborative projects, it helps build resilient communities capable of addressing challenges and embracing opportunities in a sustainable manner.