Helpful Information

You are a member of a legal entity that represents the interests of our Kenyan Diaspora community in Florida.

You interests are represented at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nairobi.

KDAF is a legitimate platform to seek services and support for our members from both private and public sources.

Ongoing initiates to provide members with knowledge and tools for social-economic development.

Easier access to the Kenyan Embassy for various consular services.

Membership to various committees that will be exclusive for KDAF members only.

Frequent updates with information in our community and from Kenyan government.

Business reference page, with all resources and incentives to save money.

Annual Gala's that non-members will pay more than members.

Membership Fee for the year 2024 will be $50. Reviewed annually.



Annual Members Area Subscription Plan


Membership benefits

You are a member of a legal entity that represents the interests of our Kenyan Diaspora community in Florida.


We Appreciate your support!!