What do the settlement and adjusting service/consulting include?

Consulting for KDAF involves providing support and guidance to individuals or organizations in the community.

Community Integration:

Assisting newcomers or individuals transitioning within a community by providing information, resources, and guidance on various aspects of community life. 

Resource Referrals.

Connecting individuals or organizations with relevant community resources, services, and support networks. For example, housing agencies, employment services, language learning programs, counseling services etc.

Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity Training: Providing training and education on cultural sensitivity, diversity, and inclusion to promote understanding and integration within the community. Including workshops, seminars, or consultations.

Conflict Resolution:

Assisting individuals or organizations in resolving conflicts or addressing challenges that may arise during settlement or adjustment processes. i.e., mediation, facilitation, or consultation services to promote effective communication, negotiation, and problem-solving.

Skill Development and Training:

Offering training programs and workshops to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary for successful settlement and adjustment. Ie language skills, job search strategies, entrepreneurship skills, cultural adaptation, or other relevant areas.